Drones have a lot of people worried about privacy, but they can be used for good as well as nefarious purposes. Take,
for instance, a spectacular display of drone technology by Intel
Corporation (USA) involving 100 small aircraft being launched skywards
in formation has earned a new Guinness World Record for the Most
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) airborne simultaneously. Controlled on
the ground by a crew using PCs with Intel software, the mass of drones
lit up the night sky in sync to a live performance of Beethoven's Fifth
Symphony and executed a stunning light show resembling a fireworks
display. Drone 100 took place at Flugplatz Ahrenlohe, Tornesch ,
Germany , in November 2015. The record was set in collaboration with
Ars Electronica Futurelab to push the limits of the UAV industry and to
show what UAVs can be used for.
This 100 Drone Synchronized Airshow Is The World's Largest, And Most Impressive <https://www.youtube.com/ watch_popup?v=mOBQXuu_5Zw
This 100 Drone Synchronized Airshow Is The World's Largest, And Most Impressive <https://www.youtube.com/
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