There are hundreds of UNESCO World Heritage sites around the world that have been protected because they are culturally, ecologically and economically valuable.
These sites are among the last strongholds for some of the earth’s
most iconic and endangered species, including orangutans, tigers, elephants and rhinos.
Unfortunately, even though these sites
are recognized for their ‘outstanding universal value,’ researchers
have found they’re still being threatened by illegal activities.
According to a report just released by the World Wildlife Fund,
poaching, illegal logging and illegal fishing are occurring in nearly
30 percent of natural and mixed World Heritage sites. And threatened or
endangered species are being poached or illegally harvested from 45
percent of them. More concerning is that these numbers are believed to
be low estimates, because the nature of illegal activities makes them
difficult to track.
New report reveals illegal wildlife trafficking in nearly 30% of world’s most protected areas #SaveOurHeritage
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