There have been many ups and downs for an endangered group of orcas
living in the Pacific Northwest, but a recent sighting of one of the
latest newcomers showing off some of her new skills has raised more hope
that they may yet be able to make a comeback.
First spotted at the end of December when she was just a few days old, little J50 is one of four new calves recently born among this group of orcas, otherwise known as the southern resident killer whales who live in three distinct pods (J, K and L).
Photographer Clint Rivers
captured an incredibly stunning image of her with her family in the
waters between San Juan Island and Vancouver Island over Independence
Day weekend.
“J50 stole the show, and hearts, with more than 60 breaches as she
and her family moved south in Haro Strait. It’s like she just figured
out how this breaching thing works and couldn’t stop,” Rivers told
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