Late last month, just after Maya Fairweather had let her boyfriend’s
5-month-old pit bull, Apollo, go off leash in Red Hook Stadium Park, a
man suddenly grabbed her from behind. He threw the 18-year-old to the
ground and tried to pull off her pants.
“I fell down on my hands,” Fairweather told the New York Post. “I just closed my eyes because they say that if you see their face, they will kill you. I froze. I was really scared.”
Apollo saw what was happening and ran up to the attacker.
“I was on the ground when Apollo came back,” Fairweather told Newsday. “I didn’t think he would do anything because he is so friendly.”
But she was wrong. Seeing that Fairweather was in danger, Apollo
chomped down on the attacker’s leg. Fairweather was able to run away.
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